Saturday, April 02, 2005
pretend it isn't happening
no surrender, no retreat
the destruction of words
politics of belief
mistake obstinancy for plain spokenness
the reality-based community
the reality-based community
indulging in the fantasy
Promoting ignorance
the Phoenix will come home to roost
no such thing as "war on terror"
distinguish between hopes and reality
buttons pushed relentlessly
refusing to play by our rules
self-inflicted mass brainwashing
We Knew We Didn't Know
Washington's world, not theirs
convincing people war is the right thing
go unconventional
failure in planning
use democracy like a weapon
a self-fulfilling prophecy
hypocrisy works
how the ball bounces down here
no strategy or mechanism
ironic prescience
no strategy or mechanism
pervasive mendacity
"faith-based" intelligence
go unconventional
American jehadis
lost focus
chasing after rollbacks
reborn Ugly American
Parenting in a Vulgar Age
help quiet criticism
abstract or real
role of the press
awfulness beyond our comprehension
guerra sucia, mentira limpia
find an enemy
stuck to its story
fill the Soviet Union's shoes
oft-repeated mistake
as long as
unforeseen consequences
...or else
making up the rules as it goes along
falling back on the usual
Repeat performance
posted by lillian @ 5:30 PM
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pretend it isn't happening
the destruction of words
no surrender, no retreat
politics of belief
mistake obstinacy for plain spokenness
indulging in the fantasy
the reality-based community
the reality-based community
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