Friday, May 10, 2002


Parenting in a Vulgar Age

The lesson is: don't question the rules, but do notice how they make you feel. An important life skill, to be sure. Now, your kid will be able to say with confidence someday, "Gee, the lay-offs at work sure are a setback for me. I'm feeling pretty sad about it. I wonder what the next downturn in the economy will bring!" Or "Gee, carpet-bombing sure results in a lot of carnage. I am so emotionally literate as to be in touch with my sadness about that. (Thanks to all those Monopoly games my parents played with me when I was little.) I wonder what the next new development in weapons systems will bring!" (...) In this vulgar age of war and institutionalized greed, let's resist the "kid-centered" parenting advice that so temptingly invites us to ignore the real world, and implies that our job as parents is to forever fine-tune our interactions with our own private offspring. Parenting in a Vulgar Age Cynthia Peters 10/05/2002
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