Sunday, December 12, 2004


mistake obstinacy for plain spokenness

Bush: Dean is the worst candidate for Bush to deal with, despite the spin coming from their camp, because their plan to deal with him is doomed to fail. Bush is a weak leader. Once you toss Clark on the ticket and I can't imagine there not being insane pressure for him to be on it, Bushco faces a lack of credibility on domestic policy and foreign policy. Dean will also have the most money to play with. The Bush spin saying they want him will explode in the next few weeks. But they know he's not just a candidate, but a movement. They know he's going to appeal to people who they thought were safe votes in the past. Dean's message will be simple and blunt and Bushco will not be able to deal with it.

What has to be stressed over and over is the fragility of Bush's support. Wrong on the issues, the war in Iraq, Bush only has an aura of personal charm which keeps his presidency afloat. People mistake his obstinancy for plain spokenness. It isn't. Bush is really just that stubborn and simple. Someone said Bush has a glass jaw, I think that's kind. Bush is one real challenge from a complete collapse. That bubble they built around him isn't for laughs. The idea that a president doesn't read the news may sound cute to some, but it's frighteningly disconnected to me. Bush plays into the worst prejudices of American political life: a belief in authority over curiousity, a xenopohobia which is deeply personal. A man with his education doesn't not travel abroad unless he has a deep aversion to it. His inability to admit error, the excessive stage management, the fear-based war on terror. All are indicative of someone unable to face the world on its own terms. [ 12/12/2003]
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