Friday, February 20, 2004


We Knew We Didn't Know

Rumsfeld responded with a total disclaimer: "Never said that.... Never did. You may remember it well, but you're thinking of somebody else. You can't find anywhere me saying anything like [that].... I never said anything like that because I never knew what would happen and I knew I didn't know." -- So there it is folks, the Bush Campaign 2004 slogan: "You Can't Blame Us When Things Go Wrong Because, No Matter What We Said, We Knew We Didn't Know What We Were Doing." Sort of has a nice ring of self-assurance to it. [Bush's Backpedaling - New York-based Russ Baker in Tompaine Feb 20 2004]

Thursday, February 19, 2004


Washington's world, not theirs

Ignoring the 800-lb. gorilla in the room
"What's sad is that Iraqis have come to believe Washington's agenda is about Washington's world, not theirs. That feeds their anger." Christopher Dickey in Newsweek 19/02/2004

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